Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The National Memorial for Peace and Justice

Today at the first stop, The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, it affected me today. Reading all the names and dates the people lynched, many with no true reason was heartbreaking. In school you learn the numbers and statistics, but they only really tell you of the big ones, like Emmitt Till. When reading reasons for people being lynched it was angering as a lot of the reasons were stupid. Also seeing the multitude they did these lynchings, whole families, whole communities; They were all lynched. It made me pretty upset and I didn't know how else to feel at the time. A big thing that affected me was going to the top of the center hill and seeing how big and how many people were lynched, and these were the documented ones. It really was sad going through the memorial, but i think it was beneficial for me to see it, to understand the magnitude of people who lost their lives to lynching.

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